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Cardiff & Vale Maternity Guidelines


This is a list of guidelines within the Maternity Service as provided by the Cardiff & Vale University Health Board and has been placed here for easy access. Each one of these guidelines are also represented in the A-Z index and can be accessed through both links.

Please note that this section is still under construction.  Please refer to local guidelines for anything that is not listed below.

Altered Fetal Movements - All Wales Guidance   
Anaemia in Pregnancy 20/06/2022
Antenatal Care Guideline 07/02/2024
Antenatal Invasive Diagnostic Testing  07/02/2024
Anti-D Prophylaxis 20/11/2023
Assessment Unit (Obstetric) - Operational guideline for the Obstetric Unit, including telephone triage and the provision of take home medication  07/02/2024
Babies Born Before Arrival (BBA) - See Homebirth  
Baby Identification - Guideline for the identification of Babies in the Obstetric Led Unit and Midwifery Led Unit - also see Security & Identification  2020
Babies, Nursing care of an Infant with Sticky Eyes  2020
Bladder Care in Labour and Postpartum  20/04/2022
Breastfeeding Guidelines 01/01/2020
Breech Presentation and Birth at Term 01/04/2024
Caesarean Section - Cancellation/Delay of elective Caesarean Section and Induction of Labour  09/09/2019
Childbearing Losses OLU and MLU 11/03/2019
Cholestasis - Obstetric  Feb 2022
Cord Blood Collection (Private) 07/02/2024
Cord Prolapse August 2020
Cord Prolapse - guidelines for prevention and management, umbilical cord  26/08/2020
Dawes Redman Computerised Antenatal CTG 06/09/2019
Declining Blood Products in Obstetrics 01/04/2022
Diabetes and Hypoglycaemia in Pregnancy Local Guidelines and All Wales Guidelines  2023
Epilepsy in Pregnancy
Fetal Anomaly on booking or anomaly USS  07/01/2021 
Fetal Arrhythmia and heart irregularity  15/01/2018
Fetal Growth Assessment 01/01/2024
Fetal Surveillance Care Bundle 01/04/2024
FGM Specialist clinic - SOP 07/02/2024
Freebirth (Unassisted Homebirth) Guideline 14/09/2022
HIV in Pregnancy 02/01/2020
Homebirth Guideline with Pethidine 07/02/2024
Hot Cots in Maternity 17/03/2021
Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy 20/10/2023
Hyponatraemia in Pregnancy  2024
Baby Identification - Guideline for the identification of Babies in the Obstetric Led Unit and Midwifery Led Unit - also see Security & Identification  2020
Induction of Labour Guideline Nov 2022
Infection and Sepsis in Pregnancy 01/07/2022
Intrapartum Care Guideline - High Risk - Care of women with pre-existing medical conditions 21/12/2022
Intrapartum Fetal Surveillance 03/06/2019
Intrauterine Death - Maternal Investigations for Intrauterine Death (Any Gestation) Checklist  01/01/2021
Long QT Syndrome 01/01/2021 
Low PAPP-A 07/06/2019
Midwifery Led Care Guideline - All Wales Maternity & Neonatal Guidelines  19/08/2022
Midwife Sonographer SOP 11/09/2019
Miscarriage - Your Options EPAU (Leaflet) March 2023
Miscarriage - Outpatient Medical management of Miscarriage EPAU Integrated Care Pathway April 2023
Multiple Pregnancy 01/01/2018
Newborn Physical Examination 17/05/2019
Guidelines for the management of all childbearing losses (stillbirths, miscarriages, TOP’s and neonatal deaths) on the CLU & MLU 08/08/2023 
Opiod Dependent Pregnant Individuals, Management on Admission to Hospital 17/05/2019
Perineal Trauma 01/06/2022
PGD Terbutaline Sulfate 01/07/2023
Placental Examination 10/07/2020
Postnatal Care Guideline  21/12/2022
Postnatal Contraception 26/08/2020
Post Partum Haemorrhage, All Wales guideline 04/2023
Postpartum Psychosis 29/09/2021

Pre Term Birth - All Wales Guidance

Extreme Pre Term Guidance:

(1) Pre Term Pathway All Wales Standards 

(2) Perinatal Management and Parental Discussion 

(3) Antenatal Management 

(4) Comfort Care 

(5) Patient Information Leaflet

(6) In-Utero Transport 

(7) Summary and Acknowledgments 

Safe sleep poster - Cymraeg and English  2023
Scan - Unexpected findings at your dating scan (leaflet) EPAU 14/09/2021
Shoulder Dystocia 1/11/2020
Small for gestational age fetus - Management of  21/12/2022
Spontaneous Rupture of Membranes at Term (SROM) 26/12/2021
Sticky Eyes - Nursing care of an infant with Sticky Eyes, also see babies with sticky eyes  2020
Surrogacy - Guideline for the care of families involved in surrogate pregnancy 16/03/2024
Streptococcus Colonisation, Management of Maternal Group B  Jun 2024
Take home medication 2024 Feb 2024
Thyroid Disorders in Pregnancy - care of the mother and newborn  07/01/2021
Rainbow Clinic Guideline and Referral Form 06/09/2019
Raised Body Mass Index in Pregnancy 18/04/2021
Surrogacy - Guideline for the Care of Women involved in Surrogate pregnancy 10/07/2020
Security & Identification - Baby Identification - Guideline for the identification of Babies in the Obstetric Led Unit and Midwifery Led Unit  2020
Umbilical Cord - Cord prolapse - guidelines for prevention and management  26/08/2020
Vaginal Birth After Caesarean Section (VBAC) 27/08/2020


Vitamin K - Administration in the newborn and early infancy  06/07/2022
Water in Labour and Birth  2024

This is a list of guidelines within the Maternity Service as provided by the Cardiff & Vale University Health Board and has been placed here for easy access. Each one of these guidelines are also represented in the A-Z index and can be accessed through both links.

Please note that this section is still under construction.  Please refer to local guidelines for anything that is not listed below.


Epidural Advice for Midwives 01/08/2022
Obstetric Anaesthesia 01/08/2022
Obstetric Anaesthetics Clinic: Criteria for Referral 03/11/2017
Pain Relief During Labour for Stillbirth and IUD 04/01/2020
Recovery Guideline - Post Op Care Feb 2024



This is a list of guidelines within the Maternity Service as provided by the Cardiff & Vale University Health Board and has been placed here for easy access. Each one of these guidelines are also represented in the A-Z index and can be accessed through both links.

Please note that this section is still under construction.  Please refer to local guidelines for anything that is not listed below.


Antenatal Screening 08/10/2019