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Obstetrics & Gynaecology Society of Wales

Hon.Secretary: Samantha Went President: Deb Sanyal Hon.Treasurer: Makiya Ashraf


Dear Colleagues

As there are ever expanding O&G departments all around Wales, we felt it appropriate to remind ourselves of the history of the Welsh Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society with the aim of encouraging a broader and more inclusive participation.

The society was founded in 1955 by the small and exclusive O&G consultant club. The purpose of the Society according to the original constitution was:

1. To promote Obstetric & Gynaecology knowledge in Wales

2. To foster co-operation and friendship amongst members

With the passage of time the membership of this society has undergone changes which were positive and allowed us to move with the times and become much more inclusive. Membership was extended initially to Senior registrar’s and SAS/Speciality doctors and more recently to the ST 6-7’s. Last year saw the first appointment of an SAS doctor as the president of the society.

For some years now the Society has awarded bursaries for medical students doing their O&G elective and trainees wishing to do fellowships. This is intended to help recruitment to our specialty and support trainees in training. Listening to their experience during their electives has been very educational for the rest of us as they are required to present their work to the Society on their return. Typical bursaries range between £250 and £500 and are awarded on merit. Application forms are available on the WISDOM(Welsh Information for Dissemination of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Materials) website.

The Society Conferences take place twice a year in the spring and autumn. Conferences are held on a Friday. Trainees may count attending society meeting as part of their 60% requirement for regional study leave per year. Attendance at Society meetings is not counted as part of the annual career doctors’ study leave of ten days. This was agreed with all Health Boards in Wales many years ago. Local hospitals organise the event and draw up a programme with support from WISDOM. WISDOM have a template of ‘how to run a meeting’ and provide support to the organisers at the host hospital. The members’ AGM is held at the end of the academic session and usually lasts half an hour.

The scientific meeting typically involves a number of presentations from expert speakers in O & G and trainee presentations, both oral and posters with prizes. This gives our junior colleagues an opportunity to present in front of a friendly and local audience. We have updates on O&G training issues in Wales. The RCOG President is also invited annually. The coffee and lunch breaks provide ample time for networking. In the evening, there is a subsidised O&G society dinner and all are welcome to attend (members, trainees and partners).

The President holds office for one year (2 meetings).


Annual Subscription Standing Order Form  which can be printed off and returned to your bank
President's letter April 2023 re: Society name change and updated membership information 


If you would like to be included in the mailing list to receive O&G information and Conference updates, please Contact Us



Next Conference

This section contains information regarding the Forthcoming Conference 

General Conference Section

This section contains information regarding past and future Conferences









For the Meeting Budget Calculator click here
If you are Preparing a Poster for the O&G Society of Wales Meeting  HERE is some guidance to help you deliver a good poster

If  you are Presenting an oral presentation at the next meeting   HERE  is some guidance to help you

If you are Judging the presentations   HERE for guidance and here for Scoresheets   ONE,  TWO,    THREE