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Cwm Taf Morgannwg Maternity


This is a list of Guidelines divided into Maternity and Gynaecology guidelines. Each one of these Guidelines are also represented in the A-Z list and can be accessed through either link.


Altered Fetal Movements (Maternity Network Wales) 2021 N/A    
Alternative Feeding Methods in Breastfed Infants 2020 Nov 2026    
Amnisure, Standard Operating Procedure for the use of 2021 April 2024    
Anaemia, Iron Deficiency in Pregnancy 2020 Aug 2024    
Antenatal Assessment Unit 2019 March 2022    
Antenatal Care 2020 October 2024    

Antenatal Expressing

Antenatal Expressing, Patient Leaflet

2022 July 2025    
Antenatal Screening Wales Policy, Standards and Protocols 2023 N/A    
Asthma in Pregnancy, Management of 2021 May 2024    
Babies Born to Mothers Requiring Psychotropic Medication During Pregnancy, Management of (PCH Guidance) 2020 December  2022    
Baby and Infant Safe Sleeping Guidance 2020 N/A    
Birth reflection service June 2024  June 2027    
Bladder Care - Postnatal  2020 Jul 2024    
Bloodspot, Newborn Public Health Wales Handbook 2019 N/A    
Blood Transfusion, Guideline for the Care of Women Who Refuse (pregnancy, labour and postpartum) 2020 June 2024    
Blue Grey Spot Pathway 2021 March 2023    
Breech Presentation Nov 2023 Nov 2026    
Bruising and Injuries in Children not Independently Mobile 2021 May 2023    
Caesarean Section 2020 October  2024    
Caesarean Section, Birth After 2020 June 2024    
Caring for Women with Learning Disabilities ( Learning Disabilities Bundle) 2020 October  2024    
Coil Fitted at Caesarean Section 2022 May 2025    
Concealed Pregnancy, Women Who Present With 2020 June 2024    
Consultant Obstetrician, Duties of On-Call 2020 July 2024    
Cord Prolapse, Umbilical Management of 2023 April 2026    
Dawes Redman CTG SOP 2021 September 2024    

Diabetes, Management of in Pregnancy

Ketone Monitoring and DKA in Pregnancy 2022


2022 June 2025    
Dilapan, Standard Operating Procedure for the use of 2021 January 2022    

Domestic Abuse




DA2 Pathway Form

MARAC Referral Form

C1 Referral Form



Aug 2023 Aug 2026    
Ectopic Heartbeats, Guideline for the management of suspected Fetal Ectopic Heartbeats  2021 April 2025    
Ectopic Heartbeats - Patient Information Leaflet  2021 April 2025     
Ectopic Pregnancy / PUL - Diagnosis and Management  2023 Sep 2026    
Epilepsy in pregnancy 2023 February 2025     
Escalation Policy 2019 September 2022    
Expressed Milk - Guidelines for the safe management  on the maternity/neonatal unit 2024 November 2026    

Female Genital Mutilation 

Flowchart to support management of FGM in CTM

All Wales Guidelines 


June 2024


June 2027 

Fetal Monitoring  2023 Oct 2026    
Freebirth Guidelines Oct 2023 Oct 2026    
Haemorrhage Antepartum, Management of 2020 October 2024    
Haemorrhage Major, SOP Flowchart PCH only 2023 Oct 2026    
Haemorrhage Post Partum, Prevention and Management of (All Wales Guideline) 2021 N/A    
Hyperemesis Gravidarum, Management and Treatment of 2022 August 2025    
Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy 2020 July 2024    

Hypoglycaemia, Neonatal Preterm Bundle for Babies at Risk on Postnatal Ward (All Wales)

Appendix 1 Parent Information Leaflet for Babies at Risk  2021
Appendix 2 Effective Breastfeeding Check 2021


2021 N/A    
Hypoglycaemia, Neonatal, Term Bundle for Babies at Risk: (All Wales) 2021 N/A    
Hypoglycaemia, Management of Reluctant Feeding in Healthy Term Infants (All Wales) 2021 N/A    
Hypoglycaemia Prevention and Management. (All Wales)  2021 N/A    
Induction of Labour Including Arrest of Labour 2020 July 2024    
Infant Feeding 2024 Nov 2026    
Infections and Rashes in Pregnancy: A guide for Health Professionals, Antenatal Screening Wales 2017 N/A    
Intrapartum Care, Management of  2020 July 2024    
Jump Call, Access to Advice 2020 June 2024    
Labour Ward Handover, Multi-Disciplinary Team 2020 May 2024    
Large for Gestational Age (LGA) - suspected  Jun 2024 May 2027    
Loan of breast pumps in community 2023 Nov 2026    
Magnesium Sulphate  2022 July 2025    
Maternal Death 2023 October 2026    
Maternity Transfer (and communication to ambulance services) SOP  2023 May 2026    
Maternity Triage (Acute and Community) 2022 January 2025    
Midwifery Led Care, All Wales Guideline (6th Edition) 2022 N/A    
Meconium Stained Liquor, Intrapartum and Immediate Neonatal Management of  2020 June 2024    
Modified Early Warning System (MEOWS) 2022 January 2025    
Molar Pregnancy - Management of  2023 April 2026    
Multiple Pregnancy - Management of  2023 September 2026    
Neonatal, Criteria for Attendance at Delivery 2024 November 2026    
Neonatal, Prevention of Early Onset Group B Streptococcal Disease 2020 December 2024    
Neonatal, Referral Pathway Following Neonatal Death 2020 January 2023    
Neuraxial block - guideline for neurological monitoring associated with 2023 December 2025    
Obesity in Pregnancy, Management of 2020 June 2024    
Obstetric Cholestasis, Management of 2020 July 2024    
Operative Vaginal Delivery 2020 June 2024    
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) - Guideline for the Diagnosis and Treatment of 2023 January 2026    

Pelvic organ prolapse and bladder health Guideline

2023 January 2026    
Perineal trauma, Guidelines for management and repair of perineal trauma 2022 November 2025    
Post coital bleeding/Suspicious Cervix Guideline  2023 January 2026    
Postnatal Bladder Care  2020 July 2023    
Postnatal Care Including Discharge from Hospital 2020 June 2024    
Postnatal Contraception 2020 October 2024    
PPH Prevention and Management - All Wales Guidance  April 2023 Nov 2024    
Pre-Birth Referrals and Child Protection Conferences 2020 December 2021    
Pregnancy Loss, Management of Late Miscarriage, Stillbirth and Neonatal Death 2022 September 2025    
Pregnancy Remains, Sensitive disposal of 2023 March 2025    
Premature Pre-Labour Rupture of Membranes below 37 Weeks (PPROM) 2020 Feb 2024    
Preterm Labour, Management of 2023 April 2026    
Prevention of Neonatal Early Onset Group B Streptococcal Disease Guidelines  2020 Dec 2024    
Reluctant Feeding 2023 Nov 2026    
Repair Third or Fourth Degree Perineal Tear 2020 July 2024    


Resucitation Proforma


April 2025    
Safeguarding &Public Protection Policy Feb 2024 Nov 2026    
Security of the Newborn 2020 June 2024    
Sepsis, Maternity Screening and Management - (Wales Maternity Network) 2018 N/A    
Shoulder Dystocia, Management of 2023 Nov 2026    
Small for Gestational Age (All Wales) 2021 N/A    
Smoking Cessation in Pregnancy 2022 July 2025    
Spontaneous Rupture of Membranes at Term (SROM) Jun 2024 Jun 2027    
Steroids before planned elective caesarean birth - Patient Information Leaflet Dec 2022  Dec 2025     
 Surrogacy Guideline 2023 February 2026    
Third Stage of Labour Including Retained Placenta 2022 Aug 2025    
Thyroid, Management of Maternal Disorders During Pregnancy 2021 Apr 2024    
Tokophobia - Guidelines  2023 Apr 2026    
Transportation of Gases in Community (SOP) June 2024  June 2027    
Trigger List, Consultant Obstetrician Presence on Labour Ward 2020 Mar 2024    
Trigger List, Obstetric 2020 N/A    
Uterine Inversion 2023 Oct 2026    
Uterine Rupture, Management of Jun 2024 Jun 2027     

Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) - Risk assessment, Prophylaxis and treatment in pregnancy and puerperium

Feb 2024 Jan 2027    
Waterbirth Mar 2024 Mar 2027