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Local Guidance

Welsh Guidance

National Guidance

Further Information

Patient Information

Haematuria (Blood in Urine) Swansea Bay (exp 2025)        
Haemoglobin Carrier Results Pathway Swansea Bay 2018        

Haemorrhage, Antepartum

Swansea Bay (exp 2026)

Aneurin Bevan (Exp 2022)

Cwm Taf Morgannwg (exp 2024)

Hywel Dda (exp 2024)

Appendix 1

Appendix 2


  RCOG Green-top Guideline No. 63    
Haemorrhage, Interventional Radiology Management Swansea Bay 2018        

Haemorrhage, Massive Obstetric (MOH)

Swansea Bay (exp 2026)

Aneurin Bevan (Exp 2016)

Cwm Taf - PCH only (exp 2026)


Haemorrhage, Postpartum (also Postpartum)

Aneurin Bevan (Exp 2023)

Hywel Dda (Exp 2026)

All Wales Guideline 2021


RCOG Green-top Guideline No. 52

BMJ/OBS Cymru Report 2020 RCOG
Haemorrhage, Postpartum, Identification of Patients with Green Bands Hywel Dda 2021        

Haematologic diseases in pregnancy -see

  • Sickle cell
  • Anaemia
  • Thalassaemia
Haemophilia see also Bleeding Disorders     RCOG Green-top Guideline No. 71    

Handover of care, Delivery suite

Aneurin Bevan (Exp 2018)

Cwm Taf Morgannwg 2020

Headache in Pregnancy Swansea Bay 2021        
Heart Disease (see Cardiac)          
Heavy Menstrual Bleeding  Cardiff & Vale NICE Guideline   NICE Guideline: NG88   Heavy Menstrual Bleeding Shared Decision Making Aid 2020
Hepatitis B, Pathway Infant and Neonatal Swansea Bay 2021        
Hepatitis B, Screening  

Antenatal Screening Wales


Antenatal Screening Wales


Hot Cots, in Maternity (See Neonatal)          
Hirsutism, Facial (also Facial)       Primary Care Dermatology Society  
HIV, Antenatal screening Aneurin Bevan 2016        
HIV,  Screening Results  

Antenatal Screening Wales


Antenatal Screening Wales

HIV and pregnancy Swansea Bay (Exp 2026)       RCOG 

Aneurin Bevan (Exp 2026)

Cardiff and Vale (exp 2027)

HPV Positive Result         Cardiff & Vale 2020
HRT (after surgical menopause)         Cardiff & Vale 2024 
HyCoSy Cardiff & Vale 2020       Cardiff & Vale 2020
Hypoglycaemia, in High Risk Infants (see Neonatal Hypoglycaemia)          
 Hypoglycaemia, The management and prevention, undiagnosed/ unplanned, at-risk neonates born in a community setting Powys 2023        

Hypoxic Ischaemic Encephalopathy (HIE) - Therapeutic Hypothermia

Hywel Dda (Exp 2025)

- Guideline 

- Equality impact assessment 

- Pathway


Hyperemesis Gravidarum


Swansea Bay 2020
Swansea Bay 2020 (Assessment)

Aneurin Bevan (Exp 2018)

Cwm Taff Morgannwg 2022

Hywel Dda (exp 2024)

  RCOG Green-top Guideline No. 69    RCOG

Hyperstimulation, Uterine

Swansea Bay (exp 2027)        

Hypertension in pregnancy

Aneurin Bevan (exp 2027)

Cardiff & Vale (exp 2026)

Cwm Taf Morgannwg (Exp 2024)

Hywel Dda (exp 2026)

Swansea Bay 2023

Powys (Exp 2026)

  NICE Guideline: CG133    
Hyperthyroidism/ Hypothyroidism, Management in pregnancy

Aneurin Bevan (Exp 2023)

Cwm Taf Morgannwg 2021

Hyponatraemia in
Labour and the Immediate Postpartum
Period, Prevention, Diagnosis and Management

Hywel Dda 2023

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Cardiff and Vale (Exp 2026)

Hysterectomy, Abdominal         RCOG 
Hysterectomy, Laparoscopic          RCOG 
Hysterectomy, Vaginal         RCOG
Hysterectomy, Vaginal Vault Prolapse Swansea Bay 2020   RCOG Green-top Guideline no. 46    
Hysterosalpingo Contrast (See HyCOSY)          
Hysterosalpinogram         Cardiff & Vale 2021

Hysteroscopy, Outpatient

Swansea Bay 2019   RCOG Green-top Guideline No. 59 Referral Form ABMU 2017

Cardiff & Vale 2022