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Swansea Bay Maternity





  Abduction of Babies, Policy for the Promotion of Safety/Prevention of 2021 May 2025  
  Acute Care Toolkit - Managing acute medical problems in pregnancy toolkit 2019 N/A  
  Admin Process for Ratified Policies 2018 N/A  
  Anaemia in Obstetrics including Iron Infusion -  Management of Iron Deficiency Sep 2023 Sep 2024  
  Anaemia, Sickle Cell and Haemoglobin Carrier Results Flowchart (see also Sickle Cell Disease) 2017 N/A  


Obstetric Anaesthesia Trainee Guidelines  (also available on COIN)

Pain Relief in Labour

PCA for labour, Guideline for Remifentanil






Jan 2022

Oct 2024

Mar 2024

  Anaphylaxis in Obstetrics 2021 Oct 2024   

Antenatal Care

AAU and ADAU Criteria 

All Wales Midwifery Led Care Criteria 

Day Assessment Unit, NPTH

DNA, Did not attend -Management of Women who fail to attend Appointments 

(SOP) Antenatal Assessment Unit - Did not attend (DNA)


Mar 2024




Mar 2024


Mar 2027

Feb 2025

Nov 2019

Sep 2021

Mar 2027

  Anti D Administration in Pregnancy 2021 Jan 2024  
  Aspirin in Pregnancy Mar 2024 Jun 2027  


Care Pathway for Management of Intrauterine Death and Stillbirth over 24 weeks Gestation 

Care Pathway for Management of Neonatal Death on Central Delivery Suite 

Clinical Care Pathway for Management of Pregnancy Loss and Medical Termination of Pregnancy 12-23+6 weeks gestation 

Clinical Care Pathway for the Pregnancy Loss and Termination of Pregnancy for Fetal Abnormalities within Gynaecology Department within the First Trimester 




February 2025

Information to support parents following the loss of a pregnancy in the First Trimester 

Information for Parents following the loss of your baby

Information to support parents following the decision to end their pregnancy for medical reason

  Bladder Care Management During IP and PN Period 2018 November 2021  
  Blood - Management of blood glucose following steriods during pregnancy - CID440a 2022 November 2025   
  Bloodspot Screening - Newborn Bloodspot Screening Wales 2023 N/A (live link)  
  BMI over 30kg/m2 Management of 2022 November 2025   
  Breech Presentation, Management of November 2023  November 2026   

Caesarean Birth Information 


Caesarean Section, Guideline Techniques of

Appendix 1 - ChloraPrep

Appendix 2 -

Impacted fetal head algorithm 1

Impacted fetal head algorithm 2

Impacted fetal head algorithm 3

Impacted fetal head algorithm 4  


Elective/ Maternal Request for Caesarean Section


Elective / Maternal Request of COVID Patients


Midwifery facilitated discharge following C-section















Apr 2024



Jan 2026 








Nov 2023 


Mar 2025


Apr 2027

  Cardiac Arrest - Obstetric Adult Cardiac arrest algorithm guidelines,  see resuscitation  2021 January 2025   
  Cell Salvage in Obstetrics, Guideline for the Use of 2020 May 2023  
  Cholestasis, Management of itching in pregnancy and obstetrics 2023 July 2026  
  Communication Through Maternity Services Pathways of Care 2013 October 2016  
  Completion and Maintenance of Maternity Records and Record Keeping 2011 January 2013  
  Cord Blood Sampling  2023 May 2026  
  Cord Prolapse, Management of 2020 February 2023  
  COVID19 emergency gynae pathway V8 21/04/2020 - SBUHB Intranet Access Only 2020 N/A  
  COVID19 emergency gynae surgery V1 - SBUHB Intranet Access Only 2020 N/A  
  CT Downtime at Singleton, SOP 2021 N/A  


See How to Report an Incident Below

Trigger List for Clinical Incident 




  Day Assessment Unit Criteria, Neath 2016 October 2019  
  Diabetes, Management of Diabetes in Labour  2022 November 2025   

Diabetes, Management of Women

Appendix 1

Appendix 2





March 2024  
  Domestic Abuse (link to SB webpage) N/A N/A  
  Echogenic bowel (isolated) 2023 September 2026  
  Echogenic bowel, Management of Women diagnosed with 2019 December 2022  
  Ectopic Fetal Heart or Irregular Fetal Heartbeat 2023 December 2026  

Escalation Policies

- Obstetric Unit

- Community Intrapartum Services 

February 2024  February 2025   

Epilepsy – Management of women in pregnancy

Epilepsy Care in Pregnancy - antenatal - Appendix 4




May 2026 


May 2026

  External Cephalic Version Protocol 2020 February 2023  
  Family and Friends, Midwives Providing Care to 2019 January 2021  
  Feeding - Guideline for Alternative Methods in the full term breastfed infant  2019 August 2025  
  Feeding, Antenatal Expressing of Breast Milk 2021 September 2023  
  Feeding, Antenatal Expressing of Breast Milk     2022
  Feeding, Breastfeeding Support for Mothers Admitted to Hospital SOP January 2023 January 2025   
  Feeding, Cleaning and disinfecting of breast set kits and breast pumps (GUIDELINE) 2023 June 2026  
  Feeding, Loan of Breast Pumps in the Community 2021 September 2024  
  Feeding, Infant 2018 March 2021  
  Feeding, Support of parents who use Nipple Shields - (Guideline) 2023 September 2026  
  Feeding, Reluctant Feeding in Healthy Babies >37 weeks 2023 September 2026  
  Feeding, Use of Nipple Shield 2019 August 2022  
  Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) (link to SB webpage) N/A N/A  
  Fetal Heart, Computerised CTG (cCTG) 2023 July 2026  
  Fetal Loss, Stillbirth and Neonatal Death 2023 December 2023  
  Fetal Movement, Altered (All Wales) 2021 Sep 2024  

Fetal Monitoring

Intermittent Auscultation 

Fetal Monitoring





Mar 2027

May 2024 

  Group B Streptococcus - Policy for Management of women with GBS during pregnancy 2021 May 2024  
  Haemorrhage - Antepartum Dec 2023 Dec 2026  
  Haemoglobin Carrier Results, Pathway to Providing to Women 2018 September 2021  
  Headache in Pregnancy, Flowchart 2021 May 2024  
  Hepatitis B Pathway, Neonatal & Infant 2021 January 2024  
  HIV in the Pregnant Woman, Guidelines for the Management of December 2023 November 2026  
  How to Report an Incident Through Datix, A Short Guide 2022 n/a  
  Hyperemesis, Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy Guideline 2023 May 2026  

Hyperstimulation, Management of Uterine

Apri 2024 Apr 2027  
  Hypertensive Disorders, Management of during Pregnancy 2023 January 2025  
  Induction of Labour 2020 June 2023  
  Induction of Labour at Home Patient Leaflet   N/A 2020
  Induction of Labour Summary of Care Form 2020 June 2023  
  Infections and Rashes in Pregnancy (Antenatal Screening Wales) 2019 N/A  
  Influenza, Seasonal in Pregnancy and Postpartum Period, Management of 2018 July 2021  
  Information sharing in pregnancy - pathway Dec 2023 Dec 2027  
  Intrauterine Death and Stillbirth Over 24 weeks Gestation. 2023 November 2025  
  Intrapartum Care – First stage of labour (link to external site) NICE Guideline N/A  
  Intrapartum Care – Second stage of labour (link to external site) NICE Guideline N/A  
  In-Utero Transfer Guideline, All Wales version (Maternity Network)   N/A  
  Jump call Procedure 2018 July 2021  
  K2 SOP - Escalation of system issues  2023 NA  

Labour Guidelines

Labour, Eating and Drinking Guideline

Labour: Free Birthing (Unassisted)

Labour, Management of First Stage - NICE Guidance CG190

Labour, Management of Second Stage - NICE Guidance CG190


Apr 2024





Apr 2027

Jun 2023



  Late Booking in Pregnancy 2023 July 2026  
  Latent Phase, Policy for Management of the 2019 July 2022  
  Latex Allergy, Obstetric Theatre (Singleton) 2022 April 2025  
  Lift Failure in West Ward Block, Singleton SOP 2022 N/A  
  Magnesium Sulphate, Administration of for Neuroprotection of Fetus 2021 November 2024  
  Maternal Collapse During COVID Pandemic 2021 May 2024  
  Maternal death, Policy in the event of 2019 June 2022  
  Mental Health 2022 April 2023  
  Mental Health - Maternity Mental Health Crisis Escalation (Flowchart) 2023 March 2025  

Midwifery Led Care - for Swansea Bay please see the Exception Brief.  

(For all Wales Guideline - click here) 

Antenatal Care Assessment - All Wales Guidance 

Place of Birth Assessment - All Wales Guidance 

2022 December 2025  
  Midwife Guidance, Caring for friends or family  2023 November 2025  
  Midwife Sonographers - SOP for growth scan referrals 2022 July 2024   
  Multiple Pregnancy, Management of 2022 December 2025  
  Neonatal Death on Central Delivery Suite (Care pathway management) 2023 November 2025  
  Neonatal Examination, Midwifery Led 2018 November 2021  
  Obesity - Super obesity, Management of  2022 September 2025   
  Obstetric, Adult obstetric cardiac arrest algorithm guidelines, see resuscitation  2021 January 2025  
  Obstetric, Led Care - Booking for  2023 July 2026  
  Oligohydramnios - Management of 2022 September 2025  

Opiates guidelines

 Intrathecal guideline

Post-neuraxial 4 hour Recovery 


Sep 2023

Apr 2024


Sep 2026

Apr 2027


Pain Relief in Labour Patient Leaflet (CYM)

Pain Relief in Labour Patient Leaflet (ENG)

  PELVIS,  Renal pelvis dilatation (isolated) 2023 September 2026  
  Placenta, Pathway for Low-Lying, at Anomaly Scan in Midwifery Led Care  2022 June 2025  

Polyhydramnios, Management of

Appendix 1

2022 September 2025  

Post Partum Haemorrhage

 All Wales Guidance 

Management of Major Obstetric Haemorrhage



Dec 2023


Nov 2024

Dec 2026

  Perineal Trauma, Guideline for the Management and Repair 2023 July 2026  
  Pre-Eclampsia, Guideline for Management of Severe or Fulminating 2020 February 2023  
  Pre-Term Labour, Management of 2018  November 2021  
  Pre-Term Pre-Labour Rupture of Membranes (PPROM) 2018 May 2021  
  Pregnancy - Loss and Termination of Pregnancy for Fetal Abnormalities within Gynaecology Department within the First Trimester - (Care pathway) 2023 November 2025  
  Pregnancy - Loss and Medical Termination of Pregnancy 12-23+6 Weeks Gestation 2023 November 2025  
  Prevention and Management of Third & Fourth Degree Tears 2023 October 2026  
  PV Blood Loss 14-20 Weeks, Flowchart 2021 March 2024  
  Responsibilities of the Team on Duty for Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2020 March 2023  
  Resuscitation, Obstetric Adult Cardiac Arrest algorithm, see Cardiac Arrest  2021 January 2025   
  Safeguarding Children within the Maternity Services 2016 May 2019  
  Safeguarding Children within the Maternity Services (Appendices Only) 2016 N/A  
  Safer Infant Sleep Policy  2023 September 2026  
  Substance Misuse, Care of Pregnant Women 2020 November 2023  
  Maternity Sepsis Screening and Management Guidelines - Wales Maternity Network 2018 N/A  
  Sepsis, Screening and Management - Hyperlinks for Antibiotic Use (external site) 2018 N/A  
  Shoulder Dystocia,Guideline for the Management of 2021 September 2024  
  Sickle Cell and Haemoglobin Carrier Results Flowchart (see also Anaemia) 2017 N/A  
  Sonographers, Midwife for Growth Scan 2023 August 2025  

Swansea Bay Maternity SOP's 

The use of the second Operating Theatre in Labour ward at Singleton Hospital


May 2024 


May 2027

  Spontaneous Rupture of Membrane (SROM), Prelabour Management 2021 September 2024  
  Surrogate Pregnancy Guideline 2020 July 2023  
  Super-Obesity, Management of 2022 September 2025  
  Third and Fourth degree tear, Prevention and  Management of  Oct 2023 Oct 2026  
  Third (3rd) Stage of Labour, Guideline for Management of 2020 February 2023  
  Transfers from Community and FMU - All Wales Guidance Apr 2023 Nov 2026  
  Ultrasound Protocol 2019 January 2022  
  Umbilical Artery Doppler 2021 March 2024  
  Umbilical Cord Blood Banking - Guidance 2018 November 2021  
  Unbooked Women, Care of 2020 November 2023  
  Uterine Inversion Recognition and Management of 2020 March 2023  
  Uterus, Ruptured, Management of 2020 March 2023  
  Vaccines in Pregnancy 2023 Live link - no expiry  
  Vaginal Birth after a Caesarean Section, VBAC 2019 July 2022  
  Vaginal birth, assisted 2022 May 2025  
  Vaginal birth, assisted documentation sheet 2022 May 2025  
  Ventriculomegaly (isolated) 2023 September 2026  
  VTE - Assessment Prophylaxis and Treatment of VTE in Pregnancy and Puerperium 2022 March 2025  
  VTE - Standard Operating Procedure Maternity Risk Assessment 2022 January 2025  
  Water Immersion for Labour and Birth 2021 January 2024  
  Zika Virus Infection and Pregnancy final v2 05.07.23. 2023 April 2026