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Hywel Dda Maternity Guidelines

Documents  Activation - Expiry Date

Abduction of babies, Prevention of and promotion of Safety

Appendix 1 - Flow Chart

Appendix 2 - Trigger List

Appendix 3 - Audit Proforma 

Feb 2024 - Feb 2026 

Accidently Dropped Babies

Assessment and Management


Oct 2021 - Dec 2023 
Antenatal Day Assessment Unit Oct 2020 - Aug 2024
Antenatal Paediatric Referral Pathway Jan 2023 - Sep 2025

Aspirin in Pregnancy (Low Dose)

Appendix 1 - Equality Impact Assessment

Appendix 2 - Letter Template

Appendix 3 - Booking Assessment Sticker

Appendix 4 - Information Leaflet 

Nov 2023 - May 2026

Bladder Care - intrapartum and postnatal 

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Jan 2022 - Nov 2024
Bladder Injury at Caesarean Birth Guideline Feb 2023 - Feb 2026 
Breech Presentation  Oct 2022 - Apr 2023 
Classification of Caesarean Section Apr 2022 - Mar 2025 
Cord Prolapse  Apr 2021 - Aug 2024 
Diabetes, Pre-existing in pregnancy  Feb 2024 - Feb 2027
Doula, Women Attending with  Dec 2021 - Jun 2024
Early Pregnancy, Management of Oct 2018 - Aug 2024
Echogenic Bowel (isolated) Apr 2021 - Aug 2024 

Epilepsy in Pregnancy

Appendix 1

Jan 2022 - Oct 2024 
External Cephalic Version, Management of Apr 2022 - Aug 2024 

Failure to Attend Antenatal Care

- Impact Assessment

- Letter Template 


Aug 2022 - Aug 2026
Foetal Ectopic Beats  Apr 2021 - Aug 2024 
Fetal Monitoring, Antenatal electronic Oct 2022 - Aug 2024

Fetal Monitoring, Continuous Intrapartum Electronic

Appendix 1 - Equality Impact Assessment 

Appendix 2 - CTG Classification Sticker

Appendix 3 - Hyproxia Classification Chart

Appendix 4 - Troubleshooting 

Jan 2024 - Aug 2026 
Fetal Monitoring, Intermittent Auscultation of Heart Rate During Labour Oct 2022 - Aug 2024 
Gestational Diabetes  Feb 2024 - Feb 2027
Green Identification Band for Women who have a Balloon Tamponade (Bakri) or a Vaginal Pack In-Situ Jun 2021 - Aug 2024 

Group B Strep

- Impact Assessment 

Jul 2023 - Jul 2026

Haemorrhage, Antepartum Management 

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Oct 2022 - Aug 2024

Haemorrhage, Postpartum Management 

Appendix 1

Oct 2022 - Aug 2024 
Hyperemesis in Pregnancy  Apr 2021 - Aug 2024 
Hypertension in Pregnancy  Apr 2024 - Dec 2026

Hyponatraemia in
Labour and the Immediate Postpartum
Period - Prevention, Diagnosis and Management 

Appendix 1 - Peripartum Sodium Monitoring Pathway

Appendix 2 - Maternity Specific Fluid Balance Chart

Jul 2023 - Feb 2026
 Independent midwives Aug 2022 - Aug 2024 
Induction of Labour, Guideline Jan 2023 - July 2025

Infant Feeding, Antenatal Hand Expressing of Colostrum 

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

May 2022 - Mar 2025

Infant Breast Feeding 

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

May 2022 - Mar 2025 

Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP) Guideline

- Impact Assessment 

Apr 2023 - Aug 2025
Jump call Guideline, Maternity Service Escalation Feb 2022 - Oct 2024
Labour, Latent Phase  Dec 2021 - Jun 2024
Large for Gestational Age  Jul 2022 - Jun 2025 
Management of Late Intrauterine Fetal Death (IUD) Sep 2020 - Aug 2023
Maternal Collapse Oct 2022 - Aug 2024

Maternal Death 

Equality Impact Assessment 

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Oct 2022 - Oct 2025
Maternity Triage  Apr 2021 - Aug 2024 
Modified early obstetric warning system MEOWS Oct 2022 - Aug 2024 
Multiple Pregnancy  Oct 2020 - Aug 2024 

Neonatal Care

Neonatal Hypoglycaemia 


Appendix 1 Parent Information Leaflet for Babies at Risk  2021
Appendix 2 Effective Breastfeeding Check 2021
Hypoglycaemia, Neonatal, Term Bundle for Babies at Risk 2021
Hypoglycaemia, Management of Reluctant Feeding in Healthy Term Infants 2021
Hypoglycaemia Prevention and Management  2021


Apr 2021 - Aug 2024

May 2021 - N/A

Neonatal Neuro-Protection, Magnesium Sulphate Use Aug 2022 - Aug 2024 
Obesity in Pregnancy Aug 2022 - Feb 2023 
Operative Vaginal Delivery  Sep 2020 - Aug 2024 
Oxytocin for Induction/Augmentation of Labour Jul 2022 - Aug 2024
Perineal Repair - 3rd and 4th degree tears Feb 2023 - Sep 2025
Placenta Examination and Histological Investigation of Placenta Following Birth Jun 2021 - Aug 2024
Placenta praevia and Placenta accreta Sep 2020 - Aug 2024 

Placenta retained, management of 

Equality impact assessment 

Flowchart for management 

Pre MROP checklist 

Jun 2022 - Jun 2025
Pre-elective LSCS Guideline Aug 2022 - Aug 2024
Pregnancy remains following pregnancy loss, termination of pregnancy and stillbirth Jul 2022 - Aug 2024

Preterm Pre labour PPROM

Appendix 1

Jan 2022 - Oct 2024

Responsibility for care

Appendix 1

Jan 2022 - Oct 2024
Rhesus disease in pregnancy Oct 2021 - Aug 2024
Sepsis Guideline Oct 2022 - Aug 2024

Sharing Information in Pregnancy

Appendix 1 Flowchart

Appendix 2 SIP 1

Appendix 3 SIP 2

Appendix 4 SIP 3

Mar 2022 - Mar 2025
Shoulder Dystocia Jul 2022 - Aug 2024 
 Small for Gestational Age Aug 2022 - Aug 2024 

Substance Misuse in Pregnancy

Appendix 1 - Equality Impact Assessment

Feb 2024 - Feb 2027
Surrogacy Pregnancy, Management Feb 2023 - Sep 2025

Tears 3rd / 4th Degree, Perineal

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3 awaiting

Appendix 4

Sep 2022 - Sep 2025
Threatened Preterm Labour Including Fetal Fibronectin and Tocolytic Clinical Practice Aug 2022 - Aug 2024

Thromboprophylaxis, Antenatal and Post Partum Period

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

Jun 2022 - Feb 2025
Uterine Rupture  Dec 2021 - Jun 2024
Vaginal Birth After Caesarean Section Jul 2022 - Aug 2024 

Water, Use of for Labour and Birth

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

Jun 2022 - Mar 2025